Very nift

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Well said.

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Really enjoyed your letter Gus! Thanks!

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Thank you! I stopped going to church 20 years ago. Just couldn't stand it any more. Now it's Easter and I wish I were back on The Block, hearing someone read the ancient sermon by Melito.

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Your post is a reminder of the Gospel of Mark, where the complete failure of the disciples to grasp or appropriately respond to Jesus' gospel message is a major theme.

It is also reminiscent of the late William Stringfellow, once called one of the Church's greatest critics from within. Jim Walls of Sojourners is the executive of Stringfellow's estate.

Some of his quotes are at https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/196981.William_Stringfellow

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If there ever was a time when this publication should be resurrected, it is now! I’m so grateful

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Love this, Gus!

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That’s how good doors work!

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