In years past The Wittenburg Door would annually propose a "Theologian of the Year" - someone whose exegetical skills and insightful expositions of the scripture warranted acclaim.
Self defense isn't Might Makes Right. That's a Red Herring, as the first amendment is speech so we don't have to use 2A just to have a conversation, (or hide it inside ten layers of comedic rhetoric like you're having to do here.) Cancel 1A, get 2A. Warmongers know this; hence canceling speech to create war. Funny otherwise tho. Removing guns results in centuries of genocide. Always. Every time. Countless times. Globally. Historically. Contemporarily. Literally always. Always. Always.
I certainly cannot disagree that Boebert is using the word of God deceitfully. But what did Jesus mean when He said:
"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one" ? Luke 22:36
Of course, a sword has none of those evil things which corrupt people, forcing them to commit bank robberies and mass murders, like a bayonet lug, box magazine, or pistol grip. (Just imagine, a bayonet mount on a sword. Of course a sword does have a grip, but it doesn't resemble a pistol, so that makes it OK ... I hope.)
Not being as spiritually mature as you, during the "Summer of Love", I became concerned about the safety of my household. I decided I didn't want to retreat from my house because some oppressed person decided to go shopping for the things he needed in my home. I purchased a SECOND (gasp, horrors!) Model 1911 .45 calibre pistol, complete with pistol grip and detachable magazine. I also purchased additional magazines and a pair of thumbprint-keyed safes, one for my bedroom and the other for my office.
Fortunately they are locked up tight, and I have yet to feel the compulsion to go out and commit a crime. Nevertheless I have a question I need some help with.
I know I am morally deficient because I am not willing to turn the other cheek, but I wonder what I should do if my neighbor's house is robbed or his family assaulted? If I treat my neighbor as myself, I might come and see what I can do, perhaps even defending him with my guns? (Something very close to this has already happened just a few months ago.) Yet in doing so, I'm denying him the ability to score points with God for turning his other cheek.
I could go up and down my block asking everyone if they are willing to have me come and help them out or not, yet their answer might change when actually confronted by a robber/rapist/whatever, as opposed to just thinking about it.
In the meantime, I'll have to rely on Romans 14:22 and let people walk in whatever light they have. "Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth."
Self defense isn't Might Makes Right. That's a Red Herring, as the first amendment is speech so we don't have to use 2A just to have a conversation, (or hide it inside ten layers of comedic rhetoric like you're having to do here.) Cancel 1A, get 2A. Warmongers know this; hence canceling speech to create war. Funny otherwise tho. Removing guns results in centuries of genocide. Always. Every time. Countless times. Globally. Historically. Contemporarily. Literally always. Always. Always.
I certainly cannot disagree that Boebert is using the word of God deceitfully. But what did Jesus mean when He said:
"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one" ? Luke 22:36
Of course, a sword has none of those evil things which corrupt people, forcing them to commit bank robberies and mass murders, like a bayonet lug, box magazine, or pistol grip. (Just imagine, a bayonet mount on a sword. Of course a sword does have a grip, but it doesn't resemble a pistol, so that makes it OK ... I hope.)
Not being as spiritually mature as you, during the "Summer of Love", I became concerned about the safety of my household. I decided I didn't want to retreat from my house because some oppressed person decided to go shopping for the things he needed in my home. I purchased a SECOND (gasp, horrors!) Model 1911 .45 calibre pistol, complete with pistol grip and detachable magazine. I also purchased additional magazines and a pair of thumbprint-keyed safes, one for my bedroom and the other for my office.
Fortunately they are locked up tight, and I have yet to feel the compulsion to go out and commit a crime. Nevertheless I have a question I need some help with.
I know I am morally deficient because I am not willing to turn the other cheek, but I wonder what I should do if my neighbor's house is robbed or his family assaulted? If I treat my neighbor as myself, I might come and see what I can do, perhaps even defending him with my guns? (Something very close to this has already happened just a few months ago.) Yet in doing so, I'm denying him the ability to score points with God for turning his other cheek.
I could go up and down my block asking everyone if they are willing to have me come and help them out or not, yet their answer might change when actually confronted by a robber/rapist/whatever, as opposed to just thinking about it.
In the meantime, I'll have to rely on Romans 14:22 and let people walk in whatever light they have. "Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth."