Our very first podcast. Get to know the Publisher and Editor. Gus Mujica and Murray Stiller tell the story on how this came into our hands and what we can expect. Discussing Satire.
Thank you for the work you are doing with the Wittenburg Door. As I stated in my bio, I was a subscriber from about 1977 (though I probably stole a few editions from the library before that. I once heard Mike Yaconelli say the reason he sold, or left the Door, is because you can only stay mad for so long. Mike's satire was from his anger with a church he dearly loved. As you spoke of your philosophy of satire, I appreciated your approach that emphasized love. I look forward to the redemption you are able to bring into my life.
Great podcast! So glad you are reopening the Door!
Thank you for the work you are doing with the Wittenburg Door. As I stated in my bio, I was a subscriber from about 1977 (though I probably stole a few editions from the library before that. I once heard Mike Yaconelli say the reason he sold, or left the Door, is because you can only stay mad for so long. Mike's satire was from his anger with a church he dearly loved. As you spoke of your philosophy of satire, I appreciated your approach that emphasized love. I look forward to the redemption you are able to bring into my life.