Why We Need The Door in 2022
Baby Yoda gave us his blessing.
I need to something to do so I don't just yell at my iPad/iPhone all day long.
With the Babylon Bee getting all Foxed out, someone needs to stand up as an equal opportunity offender.
Anyone who puts Betsy DeVos on the board of the church they founded and takes millions from her foundation while claiming to be an LGBT advocate, needs a swift kick in his spiritual surfer ass.
Cancel culture ain't Christian.
If we ever tried to satirize the Trump Presidency, people would have thought we spent way, way, way too much time smoking Becky’s homegrown weed. (It’s OK, growing cannabis is legal in Oregon).
As evangelicals and mainliners duke it out in The Final Countdown: Christian Edition, we figured we could make some money selling popcorn.
The mainstream media’s coverage of religion tends to be more bland than biblical.
Someone needs to tell those graying holy hipsters just how ridiculous they look promoting themselves as cussin', cool, and Christian. Side note: Jesus managed to get his message spread around the world without resorting to brand managers and other unbiblical BS.
We tried over 500 years of the Winthrop Way. How about we give Roger Williams a shot?
Time to put the Fun back into Fundamentalism.
We enjoy eating a bean and cheese burrito, going into an evangelical megachurch, and then seeing how long it takes for us to empty out the pews.
The Cult of Christian Celebrity gives us the willies.
Something tells us #churchtoo is about to get real.
In the immortal words of Monty Python: We’re not dead.
Time to reshelve “The Handmaid's Tale back in the fiction category.
We promise to be more entertaining than whatever zoom church you're watching these days.
Two words: The Family.