As the old saying goes ... a picture tells a thousand words. With that overused slogan in mind, here's a smattering of pics from the Reawaken America Tour's stop in Salem, Oregon. Interpret as you will ... For those who might wonder what my ancestor Roger Williams would say if he walked with me during this event … See my book Roger Williams's Little Book of Virtues for his answer re the meddling of church & state.
Many people can go a long way through life without any spiritual orientation at all. I believe anything that can get a person on the road to meet Christ can be profitable. That is precisely the way I became directed to salvation. After the born again experience, the Holy Ghost can burn away the things that God sees as unnecessary. Who of us is far seeing enough to arbitrate which paths can or cannot lead to Christ?
My old pastor was saying that when Hitler set the world on fire millions of Christians were convinced that the antichrist had appeared. The trouble was that when Stalin seized so much power it was obvious that he was the antichrist. The antichrist will appear at the appointed time. In the meantime, does any person alive now know his identity? If the identity of the antichrist is unknown, how can anyone say exactly what is or is not truly antichrisian outside of clear deviation from biblical orthodoxy or denial of the faith. It seems to me that many people attach the antichrist label to individuals they disdain and see all the actions of their targets as nefarious.